Hot Links to Learning – Resilience

Resilience is our Hot Links topic this week, and that is something that we’re extremely passionate about. As is fostering a supportive company culture to help each other through the myriad challenges we all face across both our personal and professional lives!

Developing and maintaining resilience can be the difference between coping and not coping, let alone thriving, and even simply surviving and not surviving.

Having thankfully managed to recover from extremely severe depression around 14 years ago, our CEO, Simon Smith, can personally attest to the importance of working hard at developing and maintaining resilience. “It’s no exaggeration to say I probably wouldn’t be here today otherwise”, Simon states.

At Southern Cross Coaching & Development we offer a range of Resilience training programs depending on what’s needed, and are often asked to incorporate Resilience development into our Executive Coaching programs, which of course we can do.

We also deliver extremely practical, neuroscience-based Leading, Managing and Resilience to Change Training at all levels, from non-management staff to Managers and Leaders to Executives.

As Winston Churchill said:

“when you’re going through hell…keep going!”


This Week’s Hot Links to Learning


  • The Power of Resilience, Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. explains how we can foster strength, hope and optimism in our children to help them to become more resilient as adults.


  • What Resilience Means, and Why it Matters – A Harvard Business Review article about how a small but intriguing survey from last year, by a pair of British consultants confirms the importance of resilience to business success. Andrea Ovans explains the ‘Why’ of this outcome.
  • Failure breeds success A short Sydney Morning Herald Article about the importance of having ‘failure tolerant leaders’, also mentioned in the HBR article above.
  • Building Resilience Referred to in the HBR article above, well-known Psychology Professor Martin Seligman writes about how to build Resilience, drawing on insights from a U.S. Army program that helps soldiers bounce back after trauma.
  • How Resilience Works a longer article, but well worth the time.

We hope this week’s links add to your learning, and provide informative articles to help you to continuously learn and grow!

Here at Southern Cross Coaching & Development we constantly receive and/or see interesting articles, blogs, talks, and information about the different approaches, trends, and news in regards to leadership/personal/professional development and growth, that explore the subjects we are all passionate about: Leadership, Personal and Professional Development, Individual Growth, Neuroscience, and Coaching.

To meet this growing requirement and to save you time sifting through the haystack for a few needles, we’ve decided to take the time to curate an exciting selection of links to specific articles, books and videos that we know will add value and feed your passion. We’ll take the time so you don’t have to :-).

Like you, we love sharing our passion for these ground-breaking topics. We are always open to new thinking and we’re keen to learn along with you… So please send anything, links, articles, suggestions for discussion, anything you think will inspire us and our growing community.

For an informal discussion to explore how Southern Cross Coaching & Development can assist you or your people with becoming their ‘best selves’, call us on (02) 7901 5618 or email us at [email protected].